Download free wordpress plugins. Premium plugins. GPL Licensed wordpress plugins.

WP Media Folder v4.9.2 + Addons

Stop searching for an image through thousands of media, and instead just navigate like you do on your desktop file browser. You’ll be able to upload and drag’n drop media into folders and sub-folders. WP Media Folder is a real time-saver plugin, with it, you can manage and order files and images,

AccessPress Anonymous Post Pro v3.2.6

Unlimited Forms Submit post from frontend as a not logged in user or as a logged in user. Enter Tags for the post Custom File Uploader with image, audio, video and doc uploaders Email notification to admin email after successful post submission. Customized Post Submission message. Field Selection

iThemes Security Pro v6.1.1

The best WordPress security plugin, Better WP Security, is now… iThemes Security shows you a list of things to do to make your site more secure with a simple way to turn options on or off. We’ve simplified these steps and provided descriptions of each action so you know exactly what’s happening on