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Next Post Fly Box For WordPress v3.3

Next Post Fly Box For WordPress is a WordPress plugin that creates navigation between next and previous post as a floating pop-up box on the left or right side of the window. When the user scroll the page a fly box is showing, allowing the user to select next or previous post based on conditions

Touchy v3.2 – A WordPress mobile menu plugin

Hello there and thank you or having a look at Touchy, a mobile-first menu plugin for WordPress. While fast, reactive and primarily meant for touch devices, Touchy can also be used on a full-blown desktop site as it’s been tested in a variety of browsers to ensure it works the same everywhere.

WP Country Specific Content v1.1

If you’re looking to show different content based on your visitor country this plugin is what you need. WP Country Content Shortcode Plugin lets you show content in posts/pages based on user country. The plugin adds an icon in the visual editor which will open up a dropdown and ask you to select a

WP Ultimate BAN Users v1.5.4

The Ultimate BAN Users WordPress Plugin is the last plugin you’ll ever need for managing access to your WordPress site and moderating/removing users’ content. Ban existing users indefinitely or by date / time, deny registrations based on banned ips/emails/countries. Catpure