Download free wordpress plugins. Premium plugins. GPL Licensed wordpress plugins.

WooCommerce Smart Pack v1.3.8

WooCommerce Smart Pack is a wordpress plugin which allow merchants to implement wallet system, reward or refund customers and sell unlimited number of gift card products on their website. These features are grouped into four different extensions, these include Wallet Extension, Refund Extension,

Image Map HotSpot WordPress Plugin v1.3

The Image Map HotSpot for WordPress help you to display tooltip or annotation of your image with smooth CSS3 transition. You can choose to display the popover when user click or mouseover, and easily drag the icon to update the HotSpot’s position in the backend. The working live preview is

WooSwatches v2.6.01

Convert your normal variable attribute dropdown select to nicely looking color or image select. You can display images or color in all common size. Display them in round or square mode. Demo: