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WooCommerce Compare Products v1.2.17

Looking for a fresh new way to compare products inside your WooCommerce shop? Then stop searching and get our Better Compare plugin now. Create comparison tables with ease, choose the data you want your users can compare with and help your customers to find the differences between products. Demo:

Super Bundle for WPBakery Page Builder v1.4.1

Since 2014 we have been creating dozens of the best WPBakery Page Builder (Formerly Visual Composer) Addons and WordPress Plugins. It has finally come for us to combine all the best parts of our products into a single massive and affordable WPBakery Page Builder Addon – the Super Bundle for

Divi Booster v2.7.9

Are you looking for an easy way to give your Elegant Themes’ Divi Theme a boost? Maybe you’ve seen the many Divi customization tips I share online, but don’t have the coding skills needed to implement them, or just plain don’t have time to? Divi Booster adds 50+ new configuration options to Divi

WP Ultimate BAN Users v1.5.2

The Ultimate BAN Users WordPress Plugin is the last plugin you’ll ever need for managing access to your WordPress site and moderating/removing users’ content. Ban existing users indefinitely or by date / time, deny registrations based on banned ips/emails/countries. Catpure