Download free wordpress plugins. Premium plugins. GPL Licensed wordpress plugins.

Premium Meme Generator / Maker Plugin v1.0

This plugin is fun to use and is super easy for WordPress site owners to set up! As you know, Memes are trending a lot these days, actually they are the hottest trend right now. If you take a look around you, on your twitter account or facebook newsfeed, you will see that memes are everywhere!

WordPress Store Locator v1.7.2.2

Did you know that nearly 45% of revenue stays in local stores? Use this as an advantage and add a store locator your product pages. With our WooCommerce Store Locator Plugin you can give your Customers the opportunity to buy your products in a local store! Show the store locator on your product

WooCommerce Shipping Tracking v18.6

WCST will let your clients to easily track their orders. You will be able to associate to every order a shipping company and a tracking number. WCST will display tracking info (Company URL and trackin code) directly in “Complete Order” email and “View Order” page. Your clients just clicking on the

WooCommerce Product Size Guide v2.9

3 skins + filters to add your own add guide for multiple categories or just a single product sample size guides included for fast start! LESS files included no HTML knowledge required ? easily create table with a single click mobile devices ready supports unlimited size guides. Demo:

5sec Snow v1.60 – WordPress Plugin

WordPress and non-WordPress versions bundled works with all themes, CSS frameworks and site layouts flakes don’t cover other elements on the page; you can click through them melting and rotating effects for added realism 8 options for snow customization 8 flake types including colorful presents

Email Customizer for WooCommerce v3.21

Email Customizer enables full customization of your WooCommerce emails. Customize colors, header & footer format, add custom links, link to your social networks, and customize what the email says – with [shortcodes] – all using the familiar WordPress Customizer interface. You no longer need to

WordPress Automatic Plugin v3.40.0

WordPress automatic plugin posts quality targeted articles, Amazon Products, Clickbank Products, Youtube Videos, Vimeo videos Feeds posts, eBay auctions, Flicker images, Instagram Images, Pinterest pins, Twitter tweets, Facebook posts and SoundCloud songs on auto-pilot. just install and leave, it