Download free wordpress plugins. Premium plugins. GPL Licensed wordpress plugins.

Gravity Forms Styles Pro Add-on v3.1.4

Our designers have worked hard, so you don’t have to. Get professionally finished forms without learning to be an expert in design theory. Your customizations will adapt to the best designing practices that we have included in the styles with adaption in mind.

Jet Smart Filters v3.5.1

The set of easy-to-use versatile AJAX filters to apply for custom posts, terms and WooCommerce products. 7 Smart Filter Variations. Discover a much faster way to filter the products and publications without refreshing the page.

Directories Pro v1.14.6 + Addons

Directories Pro is a WordPress plugin that lets you build any kind of directory such as a community driven local business directory like Yelp.com, Google+ Places, or Yahoo! Local, a user directory, a website directory, a property directory, etc. It’s the most feature rich and versatile directory

DeBlocker v3.4.2 - Anti AdBlock for WordPress

DeBlocker is a powerful tool and money-saving plugin for websites created by WordPress. The goal of this Plugin is to ask a website visitor to disable browser extensions that block ads. The Plugin defines most browser extensions for ads blocking, such as AdBlock & Adblock Plus, uBlock &

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