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Elementor Pro v2.0.6 – Live Form Editor

Improve Every Aspect of Your WordPress Design: Live, Easy and Fun. Goodbye backend! Design all your forms live, right from the Elementor editor. Choose your fields, increase spacing, set columns and layout… Control everything, all without ever leaving the editor. Demo:

Rich Snippets WordPress Plugin v2.3.6

Have you ever seen… that cool stuff that “pimps” search results on Google? This plugin helps you to generate this search results by using structured microdata. According to the schema.org website search engines including Bing, Google, Yahoo! and Yandex rely on this markup to improve the display of

Smart Notification WordPress Plugin v7.7.4

We provide a complete solution to send desktop and mobile push notification messages to IOS, Android, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Windows 10, Windows Phone 8,8.1 and BlackBerry 10 platforms. Also support Titanium, PhoneGap, Cordova and Corona apps. With this plugin you have your own push notification