Download free wordpress plugins. Premium plugins. GPL Licensed wordpress plugins.

Gravity Forms Styles Pro Add-on v2.3.5.2

Our designers have worked hard, so you don’t have to. Get professionally finished forms without learning to be an expert in design theory. Your customizations will adapt to the best designing practices that we have included in the styles with adaption in mind. Demo:

WordPress Store Locator v1.7.2

Did you know that nearly 45% of revenue stays in local stores? Use this as an advantage and add a store locator your product pages. With our WooCommerce Store Locator Plugin you can give your Customers the opportunity to buy your products in a local store! Show the store locator on your product

WooCommerce Product Filter v6.5.6

WooCommerce Products Filter is a awesome WordPress, WooCommerce plugin which extends your store by adding advanced filters that your customers will love! This plugin is compatible with every WordPress template. Just install the plugin, setup basics in the WooCommerce>Settings>Products Filter