Download free wordpress plugins. Premium plugins. GPL Licensed wordpress plugins.

Next Post Fly Box For WordPress v3.2

Next Post Fly Box For WordPress is a WordPress plugin that creates navigation between next and previous post as a floating pop-up box on the left or right side of the window. When the user scroll the page a fly box is showing, allowing the user to select next or previous post based on conditions

WP Flat Tour Builder v3.258

Create easily your own flat and responsive visual tours on your wordpress website. A tour is a sequence of text, tooltips and dialog windows that guide the user, even through the different pages of the site. It can be launched automatically upon arrival on a page (once or every time), or when the

WP Domain Checker v4.2.1

WP Domain Checker is a WordPress plugin which allow you easily to check domain name availability from your wordpress site. You can check or search for any generic top-level domains (gTLD) or country-code top-level domains (ccTLD). WP Domain Checker is made with AJAX and easily to use with

BWL Knowledge Base Manager v1.2.1

BWL Knowledge Base Manager is an ultimate WordPress plugin comes with lots of unique and flexible features to create unlimited number of Knowledge Base question and answers for your website content. Modal based & Ajax Powered Sticky Search feature gives you the best search experiences to find