Download free wordpress plugins. Premium plugins. GPL Licensed wordpress plugins.

WP Frontend Auth v1.8.0

Front-end Membership Modules WordPress Plugin allows you to easily extend the authentication layer of your WordPress website. One of the main features of this plugin is to display the Login form, Register form with custom form fields, Edit Profile Form with custom form fields and user avatar

Rich Snippets WordPress Plugin v2.1.1

Have you ever seen… that cool stuff that “pimps” search results on Google? This plugin helps you to generate this search results by using structured microdata. According to the schema.org website search engines including Bing, Google, Yahoo! and Yandex rely on this markup to improve the display of

Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer v3.16.20

This plugin adds several premium elements in your Visual Composer on top of the built-in ones given by WPBakery. Every single element in the package is crafted with utmost attention to details and a simple objective to provide you an ultimate experience. We’ve put a lot of time and care to ensure