Download free wordpress plugins. Premium plugins. GPL Licensed wordpress plugins.

Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer v3.16.19

This plugin adds several premium elements in your Visual Composer on top of the built-in ones given by WPBakery. Every single element in the package is crafted with utmost attention to details and a simple objective to provide you an ultimate experience. We’ve put a lot of time and care to ensure

Email Customizer for WooCommerce v3.16

Email Customizer enables full customization of your WooCommerce emails. Customize colors, header & footer format, add custom links, link to your social networks, and customize what the email says – with [shortcodes] – all using the familiar WordPress Customizer interface. You no longer need to

WordPress Automatic Plugin v3.34.0

WordPress automatic plugin posts quality targeted articles, Amazon Products, Clickbank Products, Youtube Videos, Vimeo videos Feeds posts, eBay auctions, Flicker images, Instagram Images, Pinterest pins, Twitter tweets, Facebook posts and SoundCloud songs on auto-pilot. just install and leave, it

WooCommerce Product Filter v6.4.5

WooCommerce Products Filter is a awesome WordPress, WooCommerce plugin which extends your store by adding advanced filters that your customers will love! This plugin is compatible with every WordPress template. Just install the plugin, setup basics in the WooCommerce>Settings>Products Filter

Fanciest Author Box v2.2

Fanciest Author Box is a WordPress plugin developed by ThematoSoup. Its long list of features gives identity to your single or multi-author WordPress blog. Social widgets allow you to present authors in a more personal manner and are ideal for guest bloggers. Demo: