Download free wordpress plugins. Premium plugins. GPL Licensed wordpress plugins.

iThemes Security Pro v4.6.2

The best WordPress security plugin, Better WP Security, is now… iThemes Security shows you a list of things to do to make your site more secure with a simple way to turn options on or off. We’ve simplified these steps and provided descriptions of each action so you know exactly what’s happening on

Business Hours Pro WordPress Plugin v4.3.1

Business Hours Pro is a light weight WordPress Plugin which allows you to display office hours or business hours timings for the working days of the seven successive days (week). You can display anywhere in your theme using widget or having a shortcode. For more features see below. Demo:

Indeed Smart PopUp for WordPress v4.8

The most complete and best ever built Popup plugin! With more than 100 features, you can create so many types of popups. The Smart PopUp plugin has a key feature, the targeted audition. Don’t display the popup for everybody and anytime, be smart and pick your audience. Out of the “Load Page

EDD Google Drive v1.0.1

EDD Google Drive allows you to easily connect Word Press and Easy Digital Downloads with a Google Drive. You can choose Google Drive content directly into WordPress by using the Google Picker and have them as downloadable files on your e-commerce website. Demo: