Download free wordpress plugins. Premium plugins. GPL Licensed wordpress plugins.

Visual Composer Extensions All In One v3.4.7

This item put all my exist Visual Composer add-ons in one bundle for a bargain price, and will add more add-ons for free in the future update. All the add-ons are in a simple design and extend Visual Composer with more function. This bundle works fine with VC that installed as plugin or in a

WooCommerce Checkout Fields & Templates

WooCommercue Checkout Fields & Templates is an ultimate plugin for your checkout page. If your theme already good, above the fold…but do you see most of themes with WooCommerce supported left their checkout page with poor styling, plus with hard to customize fields, hard to remove billing

iThemes Security Pro v2.2.9

The best WordPress security plugin, Better WP Security, is now… iThemes Security shows you a list of things to do to make your site more secure with a simple way to turn options on or off. We’ve simplified these steps and provided descriptions of each action so you know exactly what’s happening on

WordPress Automatic Plugin v3.22.0

WordPress automatic plugin posts quality targeted articles, Amazon Products, Clickbank Products, Youtube Videos, Vimeo videos Feeds posts, eBay auctions, Flicker images, Instagram Images, Pinterest pins, Twitter tweets, Facebook posts and SoundCloud songs on auto-pilot. just install and leave, it

Awesome Gallery v1.5.19

Awesome Gallery was built to help you building nice looking galleries using images pulled from various sources, like posts, attachments, pages, custom post types including WooCommerce products, Flickr, Instagram, Facebook, 500px albums, NEXTGEN Gallery, and even RSS feeds. Demo:

Sorting WooCommerce Pro v4.0.1

Show or hide the sorting dropdown menu with a click! Completely override the sorting options or just add to existing list Sort by any custom attribute available from Products -> Attributes! Be it a brand name or ISBN – the plugin supports anything Demo:

WooCommerce Product Filter v6.1.1

WooCommerce Products Filter is a awesome WordPress, WooCommerce plugin which extends your store by adding advanced filters that your customers will love! This plugin is compatible with every WordPress template. Just install the plugin, setup basics in the WooCommerce>Settings>Products Filter